For Small Ventures, the Telephone Answering Service is a Plus Point

After a lot of planning and procedures I have finally been able to venture into my own business of dress apparels and believe me, I am more than impressed with the way the business is taking shape. Till now the growth is evident and wish to continue the same for the days to come. However, as the business is budding it needs a lot of nurturing and caring for it to flourish. With the present situation, I have hired two employees and in the future dream of hiring more. As we are three souls running around meeting the queries and showing the materials to the customers, it is next to impossible to answer all the phone calls which come all throughout the day. Just a few days back I got a call from one of my distributor and he said it was the third day he has called and finally the call was received. This is the time which led me to hire a telephone answering service in Sydney who would take up all the calls without fail.

For a small venture like mine, hiring a telephone receiving person is not going to be fruitful as he or she will hardly get 100 calls per day and I don’t even have the capability to hire one right now. So as per an advice from my bestie, I contacted the agency providing remote telephone answering. After having a good amount of conversation with an agency I was convinced that they would be able to handle all of the queries from the customers. Upon agreement, all I had to do was provide the information about my company and the product details. The agency assured me that all the Tele-callers attending to my calls would be briefed accordingly so that no call is left unanswered.

Another advantage of the telephone answering service in Sydney is that all of the called will be answered without any fail. If I hire a Tele-caller, he or she would take offs for sure and in those days I have to face the same crisis making it illogical to keep one giving the remote Tele-caller a plus point.


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